Key Responsibilities
- Lead AFIDEP’s evidence-into-policy initiatives involving nurturing strategic relationships with relevant government agencies in the Francophone region; leading evidence synthesis activities including systematic reviews and rapid reviews; and leading evidence translation activities (including development of policy briefs, hosting of policy dialogues, networking with accountability and advocacy stakeholders, media, and private sector).
- Conduct research and policy analyses to inform AFIDEP’s ongoing work in the region.
- Lead capacity development initiatives with policymakers and other stakeholders with the aim of promoting and embedding an evidence-use culture in governments’ routine decision-making processes.
- Provide technical support to policy, research, and advocacy efforts related to cross-sectoral development issues, including population dynamics, health, environment and climate change, and sustainable development.
- Establish and maintain relationships with key stakeholders in government, civil society, and the private sector to advance AFIDEP’s programming objectives in the Francophone region.
- PhD in a relevant field that aligns with any of AFIDEP’s thematic areas of work (i.e., Population dynamics and demographic dividend; Health and well-being; Education and skills development; Environment, energy and climate change; Economic wellbeing; and Governance and accountability).
- A minimum of ten (10) years of research experience involving leading the design and implementation of research studies relevant to AFIDEP’s work. This should be demonstrable by a track record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed scientific journal papers.
- A minimum of five (5) years of hands-on experience working with governments in the Francophone region leading evidence-to-policy initiatives in any of the areas of work of work noted above.
- Hands-on experience in the management and coordination of research and capacity development programmes with diverse partners, including monitoring and evaluation of such programmes.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills, including writing policy-oriented reports and scientific journal papers, presenting complex research to policy audiences, etc., in both French and English.
- Strong interpersonal and team management skills