
Feasibility Study African Institute in Indigenous Knowledge Systems at United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Johannesburg, South Africa

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Feasibility Study African Institute in Indigenous Knowledge Systems at United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Johannesburg, South Africa

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Full time Job

Date Posted: March 13, 2025

Application deadline:

March 25, 2025 5:00pm


Job description

Roles and Responsibilities  

Team Leader (Consultant 1)

•    Lead the overall design, methodology, and execution of the MTR process
•    Evaluate the extent to which the institution’s programmes and activities are relevant and aligned with UNESCO’s Approved Programme and Budget (C/4 and C/5), including global strategies and action plans, as well as sectoral programme priorities
•    Assess if the institution’s activities complement UNESCO’s programmes and activities and do not overlap with those of other category 2 institutes or centres or with other similar institutions created and operated by other United Nations systems organizations;
•    Engage with key stakeholders, including UNESCO, governments/delegations, potential funders, and academic experts;
•    Describe the operational plan for AIIKS including staff, administration, reporting lines and monitoring
•    Review the legal framework for establishing a C2C within the host country, including its governance structure, with attention to the autonomy of AIIKS for the execution of its activities and legal capacity to contract, institute legal proceedings and to acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property;
•    Assess if the institution’s organizational structure, the composition of its Governing Board or comparable body and its existing human resources allow for an effective and efficient management of the institution, and implementation of the functions foreseen;
•    Evaluate AIIKS financial model, including operating costs, established and forecast sources of funding, and long-term sustainability plans

IKS Expert (Consultant 2)

•    Evaluate the regional or global needs for the AIIKS and how it will fill gaps in knowledge, capacity building, or policy support and global development agendas;
•    Evaluate the geographical reach of activities of AIIKS;
•    Engage with key stakeholders, including UNESCO, governments/delegations, potential funders, and academic experts;

Financial proposal based on UNESCO template (Annex 1). The financial proposal should be in United Stated Dollars. The budget should be prepared in sufficient detail to justify resource requirements and demonstrate cost-effectiveness

11. Evaluation and Selection Process 

The applications will be evaluated based on the following methodology:

•    Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and.
•    Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
* Technical Criteria weight 70%
* Financial Criteria weight 30%
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Technical Criteria for Evaluation 

Consultant 1: The consultant has relevant experience and understanding of UNESCO strategic areas, UNESCO category 2 Centres and their function, and assessment of organization/institutional legal, financial and operational framework. (125 points)

Consultant 2: The consultant has relevant experience managing and implementing feasibility projects in Southern Africa and/or similar contexts including experience in managing and coordinating initiatives in advancing African Indigenous Knowledge Systems (AIKS) for sustainable futures and global epistemic justice in public, private and education sectors.  Traceable references have been provided. (125 points).

– The Consultant presented a clear/realistic work plan relevant to the work assignment and demonstrated careful consideration for timelines required to prepare and implement activities in line with the project timeline (250 points).

– The Consultant presented a professional team with terms of reference for each team member (including CVs) (100 points)
– Partner specified for each key position the amount of time the staff will dedicate to the project (ref Budget annex). (100 points).

Sub-total for Technical Proposal    700

Financial Proposal Evaluation
Clear budget breakdown by main cost elements provided. Costs are direct costs, reasonable (with clear rationale for the cost element), in line with national standards and market prices (300 points).


Specific Qualifications for Team Leader:

•    Expertise in UNESCO’s strategic areas
•    Understanding of Category 2 Centres and their functioning;
•    Experience in legal, financial, and operational assessments

Specific Qualifications for IKS Expert

•    Proven track record in working in advancement of African Indigenous Knowledge Systems and / or Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) for sustainable futures
•    International experience in promoting the role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in global  or regional epistemic justice in public, private and education sectors;
•    Proven track record in conducting similar feasibility studies

Financial proposal based on UNESCO budget template Annex . The financial proposal should be in United Stated Dollars. The budget should be prepared in sufficient detail to justify resource requirements and demonstrate cost-effectiveness

Application deadline:

March 25, 2025

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