Don’t allow circumstances define who you are. Prime your mind for success. Be addicted to bettering yourself. Be intentional about your life. Start early, make everyday count! Procrastination doesn’t only steal our time but it also destroys our dreams.
You deserve to do more. Don’t accept your “normal.” Don’t be satisfied with your current situation. Go after your goals and keep your eyes on its fulfilment. Remember, everyone’s journey is different. Don’t allow people’s opinion define your reality.
Some people will refuse to see the new you because they are comfortable with the outdated version of you in their minds. This is natural and normal but don’t get upset about it or about them. Leave them alone and continue to evolve into the new you. Life changes for the better when you stop waiting around for people who are unsure about you.
People are insecure in themselves because they pay too much attention to what others are and what others are doing. Comparison is a thief of joy. It wanes down the joy of living your own life. Run your own race. You carry so much love in your heart. Give some to yourself. You are perfect exactly as you are! It’s not what is outside, but what is inside that takes one to the top.
There is no competition in destiny. Each one has its own. Your real competition is to always outdo your past! You can be the best that you can be when you are not comparing yourself with anyone. If you are not careful, you will end up living the illusions that others have created. When you know your worth, you do not need others to confirm it
It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday