“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.”
Luke 6:45
If you always speak wrong and do wrong, it is primarily because you have been programmed wrongly. You can’t speak wisely until wise thoughts are first inside you. If you were born in England, you may have been programmed to speak English more fluently than any other language. The quality of information you put inside you will determine your output in life. What you allow into your heart is so important. The bible says, “Keep (Guard) thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Prov 4:23 Don’t allow thoughts of fear, defeat, unbelief, hate, bitterness, poverty, sickness, anger or death to settle in you.
The thoughts that come to you are of 3 kinds:
1) Thoughts due to processing of previous programming.
2) An outside physical influence through words you are hearing or things you are seeing.
3) Spiritual influence, through spiritual beings( The Holy Spirit, Angels or demons).
All these three are so important. If you are always a victim of the first set ,you can change your life by making use of the 2nd and third sets. The bible says, “Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind.” In other words, your mental software can be uninstalled and a new one loaded. It can also be upgraded from time to time. Read the right books, listen to the right things, watch excellent things, and the result will be that you will think, speak, and act excellently. A man can be programmed by observation and teaching. The things you give yourself to will shape the character of your life.
I have meditated on God’s word for long until it has influenced my day-to-day reasoning. I can’t reason like a fool, I don’t talk as though I use my intestines to think. I can’t think or talk like the devil has any power over me. I have Jesus’ thoughts in me. I am programmed to demonstrate that, “Greater is he that is in me.” I have often said, “Be sobber minded, don’t think upside down, show you have a working brain.” You don’t start programming yourself when you are now pressured. Don’t wait for trouble to come before you invest in the word of God. Build yourself with the right materials, and when trouble comes, you will respond with wisdom and put the devil to flight. Don’t learn about divine health in the day you get sick. Don’t learn to give in the day of need. Eph 6:10-18 admonishes us to be dressed in the whole armor of God. It is your responsibility to TAKE God’s word and frame your life with it. If you want to be more loving, more kind, more joyful, and at peace, then feed on the word, and out of the good treasures of your heart, you will bring forth goodness