
Inside Daily Insights: Win in your mind

Inside Daily Insights: Win in your mind

” For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”
2 Cor 10:3-5

Your mind can clothe you in rags or riches. For example, when you are broke and have no money, you may suppose money is all you need for your life to be straightened. We have, however, seen billionaires commit suicide and ending up in divorces, which indicates that money is not all you need. Money is an important tool that can amplify whatever position of life you have. If you are joyous, it amplifies your joy. If you are wicked, it also amplifies your wickedness. Many who are defeated are defeated not by money itself but by their attitude towards it. How you think about money can even kill you. The bible says, “The love of money is the root of all evil” 1Tim 6:10 Money itself is good, the love of it is a different matter.

Your thoughts and imaginations in life can be more harmful than any devil anywhere. Our opening text talks of our weapons of warfare, and here, the Apostle shows us that we have a warfare that is going on in the thoughts arena. There is a way of thinking that Satan would want you to have so that he can whip you. You may even pray all the kind of prayers, but as long as you think in a certain way, Satan will always defeat you. This is why God gave us a very big bible so that we could flood our thoughts with his word. Rich or poor, what you need is the word of God to fill your mind. It is impossible for me to ever be disadvantaged because I can not think such thoughts. I sure meet with challenging things, but I can only be above and not beneath. There are thoughts that are not possible for the man or woman who has the word of God in him. Nomatter what is happening to you, you can remain joyful , the way to do that is by filling your mind with the word of God.

You can have a bad day by allowing your mind to accept defeat, poverty, pain, and all that hurts and binds. Don’t think of failure, dont think of death, think God’s thoughts. Don’t think that someone in the village wants you dead, think like indeed NO WEAPON FASHIONED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER. Reign in your mind.

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