
Inside Daily Insights: Doing versus Knowing

Inside Daily Insights: Doing versus Knowing

“If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”
John 13:17

It is very possible to know how to live a great life but still walk in defeat. Truth known but not acted upon is good as not known. No matter how excellent your ideas are, without implementation, you are as good as an ignoramus. Knowledge not practiced has no saving power. The word of God itself has no saving power until acted upon. People can die in the presence of a doctor who practices medicine at the best school until the doctor practices what he knows on the one that is sick. Kwowledge in his head won’t cure the sick. The problem of joblessness is all about people who know things but are not practicing what they know. A man who knows Engineering is selling airtime on street corners (not saying there is something wrong with selling airtime). The issue is that the engineer is not practicing what he spent 4 years learning. That is the reason for the poverty of many informed people.

We teach the word so that your life may be built up by ACTING ON THESE LIFE PRINCIPLES. The principles have always been there, and the knowledge of them doesn’t change you. It only awakens you to their reality. The most frustrating thing in the world is to know that God’s will is for you to excel, yet you are walking in defeat. You even know how to walk in that path of greatness, but you are not, for the simple reason that YOU ARE NOT DOING WHAT YOU KNOW. You know that talking God’s word, praying in tongues, meditating on the word, fasting, going out to preach, and seeding will change your life. Most of you know these things. The only problem is YOU DON’T DO THESE THINGS.

I saw a book titled : “Human beings, things don’t change without pressure.” The title just got me thinking. It’s so sad that many of us learn the hard way. We begin to DO the word after we are already in a mess. The disciples of Jesus never moved out to preach out of Jerusalem until they were persecuted. They never prayed for ministers in trouble until after James the Apostle was killed. People wait for trouble to show up and push them to the extreme before they DO what is right. All these things we preach will work for you by DOING THEM.

Knowing about giving is not the same as being a giver. If you know the winning lotto numbers for the weekend draw but don’t go and play the game, the authorities will never give you a dime just because you tell them you knew the numbers. You can’t be in DBS or receive these posts daily, and lack of knowledge be your problem, No a thousand times No. It’s a lack of practice that is your problem if you have one. Knowledge that saves is knowledge acted upon. The Greeks call it “Epignosis”, it’s knowledge with participation. Paul said, “And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.” 2 Thess 3:4 These things commanded you, these things you know DO THEM.

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