To manage the purchasing and procurement function in order to ensure that purchases and supplies are timely, cost effective and in-line with Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) procurement and purchasing policies and procedures.
3.1.1 Main Duties and Responsibilities
- Formulates and reviews procurement and supplies policies and procedures and recommends necessary changes in order to ensure compliance to statutory requirements and company policy.
- Recommends for necessary changes in accordance with circulars issued by ZPPA.
- Organizes in consultation with the Management Procurement Committee (MPC) Chairperson the monthly MPC meetings and acts as secretary and records proceedings and decisions reached to guide procurement of goods works and services of the Company. Secretary of the Management Procurement Committee (MPC). Presents recommendations to MPC on all procurement proceedings which are above CEO’s threshold.
3.1.2 Specific duties
- Prepares bidding documents for formal tenders and manages tender closing and opening, tender evaluations and contract awards to ensure competitive tendering and adherence to ZPPA procedures.
- Prepares Solicitation Document for the tender.
a. Conducts tender opening ceremonies and prepares the tender opening report to CEO.
b. Give guidance during the tender evaluation and prepares tender Evaluation Report to CEO.
c. Presents tender evaluation recommendations for award of contract to the best evaluated bidder.
d. Negotiates with the bidders before contract award
e. Prepares a contract for provision of goods and services
f. Conduct Supplier Evaluation and recommend for contract renewal if possible.
- Timely preparation of Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports on the procurement and supplies unit activities in order to facilitate decision making. Prepares the annual Procurement Plan and submits to ZPPA and CEO.Prepares quarterly reports and submits to ZPPA and CEO.
- Supervises informal management Procurement Committee processes by reviewing, evaluating quotations and confirm with the Local Purchase Order presented by Buyer to ensure compliance to tender procedures.
- Prepares and submits the Departmental budget on time and ensures that expenditures are within the approved budget.
- Supervises the movement of stocks to ensure that there are no stock outs, makes periodic checks and reports to management on the status of the Stores.
- Coordinates quarterly and annual stock takes and conducts random inventory counts from time to time.
- Agrees, monitors and reviews performance of subordinates to ensure that they meet their performance targets.
- Undertakes buying of goods, works and services
- Performs any other duties as assigned by the Chief Executive Officer from time to time.
- Full grade 12 School Certificat.
- Degree in Purchasing and Supplies.
- Minimum 5 years in a large organization.
- • Member of Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS) with valid membership Certificate.
Application letters including detailed CV and three referees with their contact numbers and email addresses should be submitted to:
Chief Executive Officer
Mulungushi Village Complex Limited
Stand No. 10967, Lunsemfwa Road, Kalundu
PO Box 37157