Inside My Great Mind: Learn New Sets of Principles & Goals – Super Mind

You can create a new season of your life through new set of attitudes. Don’t always look for who is wrong before looking for what is wrong. Apologizing doesn’t mean you are weak, right or wrong. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego! Don’t blow off another’s candle for it won’t […]
Inside My Great Mind: Focus On Your Own Journey (Purpose) – Super Growth

Every man’s life is a story, through which the lessons of life, either positive or negative, could be unravelled, for the inspiration required by others, to live a better life. A lot of people don’t make progress in life due to victim mentality. You can’t make meaningful progress if you keep blaming others for your […]
Inside My Great Mind : A True Act Of Responsible Person-Super Motive

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. No kind action ever stops with itself. The tongue has no bones but is strong enough to cause strife, hatred, and war. Just one bad thing can make a big hole […]
Inside My Great Mind: The Wisdom In Each Other – Super Mind

No matter where you came from, what school you went to or not, what talent you think you have or not, none of this matters. You have the same opportunity to improve your life and succeed as did others who succeeded. Don’t distort the image of yourself because you were unable to achieve success. Success […]
Inside My Great Mind: Kill Laziness Before It Destroys Your Life – Super Motive

Sometimes, doing the right thing may get you into trouble just like Joseph in the Bible. Don’t complain; don’t allow circumstances change your character. Refuse to let anything hold you down. Where is the place of God in your life? Irrespective of where you’re in life or what has happened to you, get over it, […]
Inside My Great Mind: Sometimes, It’s A Protection – Super Mind

Not everything you lose is a loss. Not everything is a loss. Sometimes, it’s protection. Everyone carries an atmosphere. When you stop associating yourself with the wrong people, you give the right things the opportunity to associate with you. The difference between seasons in a man’s life is simply an instruction. As you move forward […]