Inside My Great Mind: Treat People With Respect & Courtesy – Super Growth

You can’t expect to draw people into your life who are kind, loving, confident and generous if you are thinking and acting in cruel, weak, and selfish ways. You must put forth what you want to attract. Many have insulted and turned away people that were divinely placed on their path and orchestrated to help […]
Inside My Great Mind: Inner Self Disciplines – Super Motive

Life is not a result of circumstances but a product of decisions. Your circumstances don’t make you, your decisions make you. Success is a few simple disciplines practised every day; while failure is simply a few indiscipline repeated every day. You may not be able to control every situation and its outcome, but you can […]
Inside My Great Mind: Using Your Imaginative Power – Super Mind

The difference between two people is vision, two people see things differently. The ability to see and respond to things make all the difference. One person sees a shoe in bare feet, the another person sees problem. Train yourself on how to see things differently. A simple change in your belief system guides a large […]
Inside My Great Mind: The Act Of Self Independence – Super Motive

How you live your life is totally up to you. It’s not dependent on your circumstances. It’s dependent on your choices. Don’t tie your happiness to things or people. You don’t need to be accepted by others, most importantly, God has accepted you, then you need to accept yourself! Most people are as happy as […]
Inside My Great Mind: Every Small Step Means Alot In Your Journey – Super Growth

Purpose is an essential element of you. It’s the reason you are on earth at this particular time. Your very existence is wired and wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill. Don’t let your habits become handcuffs. Good things are allowed to happen to you. Some people won’t be happy for your […]
Inside My Great Mind: Develop Your Gifts (The Upskilling Mindset) – Super Mind

Every gifting requires personal training for Upskilling daily. Your life purpose already exists, your primary duty is to search for it. A life purpose is not something you compose or conceive because it already exists, but it’s rather something you stumble onto. It comes by revelation not speculation. Believe in the gift resident in you. […]