Inside My Great Mind: Become Better To Find Better – Super Goal

Give the best at everything you do. Your life in thinking is better than your life in doing, meaning what you think is better than what you do. Be very diligent at the things within your mind. Your mind processes both good or bads. Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your […]
Inside My Great Mind: In The World Of Social Wealth (Social Life) – Super Motive

Grow in your social wealth, the ability to be wealthy in your relationships and character. Your social capital contributes to your personal and business growth. Keep the right social networks around you. They create an enabling environment for prosperity in your social life. Social Media gives you an opportunity to reach as many people as […]
Inside My Great Mind: Select What Thoughts You Wear On Your Mind – Super Mind

Today or Tomorrow is very possible because of what your mind wears. Discipline in thoughts brings Discipline in life. Every thought deposited on your mind is constructive or destructive dependent on what you hear, do, see, listen, talk and engage to. Who are you receiving or listening to?? You may not be responsible for the […]
Inside My Great Mind: Leadership Is An Influence – Super Growth

Your greatest inspiration in life is you. Learn how to motivate yourself in every walks of life. Your life is your own responsibility and leadership. Don’t compromise for acceptance. What you compromise to keep will sooner or later cost you. Understand your values and terms in life. Keep around the right mentors in your life, […]
Inside My Great Mind: What You Choose Is What Will Chew You – Super Motive

You’re a product of choices and decisions, every one is surrounded by numerous choices that are able to build you or destroy your destination. Life is dependent on the choices you make everyday, through your associations, circumstances and occurrences. What’s your choice today. Do you know what, it’s a new month for you. Make new […]
Inside My Great Mind: Picture Your Future! Run Your Own Race – Super Story

There is no competition in destiny. Each one has its own. Your real competition is to always outdo your past! You can be the best that you can be when you are not comparing yourself with anyone. If you are not careful, you will end up living the illusions that others have created. When you […]