Inside My Great Mind: Your Tomorrow Is In Your Hands – Super Way

Believing is an outcome of faith, hope and love.Testimony is the impact of faith, hope and love. Believe everything in your life will happen and it’s meant to happen. Believing is much better than seeing, what you believe in, sustains you, and what you see, transforms you. Believe It’s possible for you to achieve anything […]
Inside My Great Mind: You Are A Pioneer Of Your Future – Super Mind

Life is not subject to chance, it is subject to truths. You have the same opportunity to improve your life and succeed as did others who succeeded. Don’t distort the image of yourself because you were unable to achieve success. Success is your nature! Failure is not your identity, and giving up is never an […]
Inside My Great Mind: Yes! Money Is A Person – Super Mind

Hey, what’s money, Money is a person, this means money is a spirit, soul and body. Do you know where your money is! Yes, I know where your money is. Money is everything in this world, because money answers all things in this beautiful world. Your money is next to you, within you and around […]
Inside My Great Mind: Your Mind Is An Activity, An Image Maker, A Creator Instrumental Tool – Super Mind

What’s your thoughts gathering to your life? It’s often said, mind your language, but we need to also mind our minds! The health of your mind heavily influences the quality of your decisions and your ability to maintain focus and invariably determines the quality of your personality. The mind is not a “Thing”. The mind […]
Inside My Great Mind: You’re Hub Of Blessings & Lessons – Super Growth

Wear your blessings, not your problems. Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. One day, you’ll look back and realize that you worried too much about things that don’t really matter. Your past mistakes are meant to guide you not define you. The nature of man’s opinion is such […]
Inside My Great Mind: Your Life Is Your Responsibility – Super Growth

There’s no future that is not connected to the present. What you do today affects your tomorrow. No one is busy, it’s only a matter of priorities. Most times, you feel you don’t have enough time, but actually, what you don’t have is enough concentration. Your life is your responsibility. You don’t have to be […]