Inside My Great Mind: In This Life, Age With Growth (Wisdom) – Super Story

Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days. Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. Age is no guarantee of wisdom and understanding. Age is automatic but growth is intentional and your responsibility! Don’t expect to see a change if you don’t create one. A […]
Inside My Great Mind: Everyone Has A Story!! Focus On Yours – Super Story

When chances are one in a million, be that ‘one’. There will always be someone who can’t see your worth. Make sure that person isn’t you. The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you are made of, not the circumstances. Take personal responsibility for yourself. There’s a 100% […]
Inside My Great Mind: Simplify Your Life – Super Goal

Practice the golden circle principle of ” WHY, HOW, WHAT”. Understand your WHY for life well, this is the most important part of the golden circle. This principle applies in any aspect of your life. Sometimes your personal progress and growth is based on the three combinations. Learn how to appoint your days, weeks, months […]
Inside My Great Mind: True Wealth – The Measure Of Who You Are(Purpose) And How Much You Give (Impact)

Remember that your real wealth can be measured not by what you have, but by what you are and give. Learn to be a giver and problem solver, you’re the solution every one is looking for. Each person is unique and has their own paths and pace of development. It would seem that the success […]
Inside My Great Mind: Don’t Allow Things Happen For You, But Be The One To Happen – Super Goal

Don’t let other people bring you down. Sometimes, some people need to leave your life for some things to start happening. The energy you surround yourself with determines the happenings in your life. Don’t be afraid to be who you are; if there are people who won’t accept you, then let them go. If you […]
Inside My Great Mind: Life is Predictable – Plan Every Stage In Your Life – Super Story

If you don’t plan your life, then you ‘re believing in luck. A disorganized life cannot make meaningful progress. Sit down and make your life worth-while. Starve your past! Every stage in life deserves a great celebration. Use and apply the ABCDE(Tasks) Techniques, There’sde no joy in living your whole life on the ground; there’s […]