
Inside Daily Insight: Royalty

Inside Daily Insight: Royalty

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:”
1 Peter 2:9

Now you hear someone say, “I am just a nobody, I got a small brain, am not smart, am not blessed like you,” and you just wonder what’s wrong with such folks. How can God Almighty say, “You are royalty, you are first class, you are a victor,” then you stand and say, “No, he is wrong.” The bible says LET GOD BE TRUE AND EVERY MAN A LIAR. If God says you are a king, then shoulders up, chin up, head high, and begin to walk with a bounce for you are surely a king. It doesn’t matter if somebody doesn’t believe it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like it, it doesn’t matter what’s happening around you, YOU ARE WHAT GOD SAYS YOU ARE.

Brothers and sisters, don’t reduce yourself to a none entity, You are a child of the king, a citizen of heaven. God has chosen you to reveal his glory in you. He has called you to show his goodness in you. God is a Great King and is not served by the least of the people. Those who serve him are Kings, and they are clothed in robes of righteousness. It was a sin in the Old Testament for the least of the people to burn sacrifices in the High Places. Only the priests were called for that service. The children of Levi were priests not because they had done anything, they became priests by the reason of their father Levi. These Priests did not just dress any how, they had costly robes made for them by the best tailors in the land. The bible says, “Ye are a Royal Priesthood.” You serve the king in golden garments.

There is no reason to walk like a defeated man. You have no business thinking like a prisoner, the Bible says, ” Now are we the sons of God” 1 John 3:2 We are from a great family, our Dady is the creator of the universe. Nothing can stand against you successfully. He has an innumerable company of angels just for you. All bible truths work by our acknowledgment of them. No wonder John said, ” These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God THAT YE MAY KNOW (come to an awareness) THAT YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Have you come to comprehend these spiritual realities? You are not the man in darkness seeking deliverance. You are the one who is called to deliver men from bondage. You are the health giver today. You are the Light of the world, called to give solutions. Sometime back, somebody important said to me, “I am wise, people are coming to me for answers.” She said something she heard from me in the past, “I PUT MYSELF ON FIRE, AND THE WORLD COME WATCH ME BURN.” This ought to be the testimony of every Christian, be known for answers, be known for solutions.

Find just 2 people to give help, and start that way. Don’t be too poor not to afford to give even an idea. I am not broke of ideas. Say that with me. Say
“I am wise
“I know what to do, when to do, and how to do
” I am anointed to succeed
” I am a King Priest
“I am super intelligent
” I am the light of the world,”
Speak in tongues a little. Dress well, clean your car if you are driving, and put a spring in your steps as you go out.


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