
Inside Daily Insights: Put up your Best

Inside Daily Insights: Put up your Best

” Servants, do what you’re told by your earthly masters. And don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you’ll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you’re serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t cover up bad work.”
Col 3:22-25 (MSG)

The last part of that portion says, ” Being a follower of JESUS doesn’t cover up bad work”. That means God is not pleased with mediocrity, you cant come to work late and hope prayers will just keep you on the job. If you dont perform well at your job, you will be fired even if you speak in tongues and prophesy. Nobody is going to trust you to lead their company simply because you speak in tongues. You must be knowledgeable in business. A CV with poor grades followed with prayers and fasting for favor is not God’s idea. God is not a failure , he doesn’t want you to be anything he is not. When you get to study, study as though Christ demands that you pass the exam. Become serious minded with delivering your best in whatever you do. If your work is poor, then nobody, including your friends, will ever hire you, and ignorantly, you begin to seek deliverance. Be sobber minded, use your mind , and be schooled in something. Learn a new trade and learn to do it so well.

If you are broke and struggling, find out first what outstanding skills you have developed. Success and greatness do not just fall on people because they are Christians. They are only produced by those who apply the word sensibly. A young man or woman who doesn’t use his/her mind is a threat to the marriage institution. Foolishness should not be named amongst believers, Christ has become our wisdom, and we are to allow him to express himself through our minds. Read books and sharpen your mind, learn something of value. You can volunteer to help in exchange for acquiring a skill, and your diligence will pay off. If you want the best to come your way, give out your best. You are not going to attract the best by functioning at your worst.

There is such goodness that cannot come to ignorant people. Be the best of you in everything. When you write, choose the best words, learn new words; when you dress be the best of you, if you are cooking, prepare a good meal, whatever you are doing , become the best and you will be rewarded. Invest in the development of your personality, i spend hours daily to sharpen my mind so that i dont come out and speak like a fool. What you sow in your heart will show up in your life sooner or later.

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