
Inside Daily Insights: The Value Of Preparation

Inside Daily Insights: The Value Of Preparation

” Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 25:2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 25:3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: 25:4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.”
Mat 25:1-4

The word of God, when believed and understood, can make you a wonder to many, just like David’s testimony. The problem is that many are religious and therefore never find any profit in it. The above parable was put up by the LORD JESUS himself, and he showed us how some ended up failures and others a success. The failures possibly prayed and fasted but did not conduct themselves wisely. Prayer has its place in life, but it’s not the solution to every problem. I wrote an article some time ago titled, ” PRAY, THINK AND WORK.” Sometimes, all you need is wisdom to prepare for life situations, and you won’t have to spend the rest of your life praying for some things. In discussing solutions to Africa’s problems, my brother and friend C.G Kanyenze said the following:
” … The same famine that hit Egypt for 7 years it hit Canaan, too. But because Egypt had prepared for famine, it did not suffer like Canaan. Israel, with all his households, was losing money going to buy grain in Egypt. They ended all going to Egypt because of the famine. Which was the beginning of ending up in slavery. If the godly do not prepare for future, they will suffer as if they are not blessed._ If the wicked take heed of godly counsel, they will prosper much more than believers… If we drive away, our Josephs famine will come to our land with them averting it somewhere.” These are great thoughts, which I wish many African leaders could get to hear. Egypt did not pray away the famine. They had Joseph, who was not only a dreamer but a thinker also. The solutions that came from Joseph were not religious and mysterious but of economic sense. Divine ideas are not always spectacular. You necessarily dont need a revelation to brush your teeth in the same manner you necessarily dont need a revelation to do business. If you ever go to school, use your brain and dont just pray. Spirituality is not stupidity, we cant be so spiritual but lack running water . This all is a contradiction. Yes, we are set for heaven, but God has given us this world to take care of it. If ever we are to have a great future, we can’t afford to walk into it blindly, WE MUST PREPARE FOR IT with all wisdom.

You can’t just dream of a great future and not prepare for it. You dont necessarily have to pray to be a medical doctor. No matter how much you pray, you will need preparation in the medical school. Life is not mysterious. You can sow a seed and be assured of the harvest. I urge beleivers to also be thinking Christians, not religious people. Dont be counted among the foolish. I want you to notice something about the language of the foolish. Matthew 25:8 ” And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.” The foolish will always beg and an ingorant preacher will spend all his life laying hands on empty heads. We can’t pray away all your problems. Use your brain.


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