“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us..”
1 John 5:14
Many of us have bank accounts where we keep money. The money in your bank account is yours at anytime however just because it is yours does not mean you can just take it anyhow. There is a way prescribed by the bank for you to take your money. If you go to the bank and begin to cry, beg, confess, or complain, the bank won’t give you your money. Actually, they will invite a guard to take you out of the bank. The money belongs to you, but the bank won’t hand it over to you till you fulfill its laid down rules. The bible says, “All things are yours.” 1 Cor 3:21. Until you follow the order of God ALL THAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS may never be delivered to you.
If we ask God according to his ways of asking, he said he will hear us. When we begin to ask him in the way we think rather than the way he prescribed, we find our asking producing nothing. We may even attend 30 Alnight prayers in 1 month, but until we learn to approach God according to His ways, we are set for nothing but frustration. It’s not every prayer that God hears. The ones He hears are the ones prayed according to His word. God would rather have the ignorant learn how to pray. There are standard laws of God which he doesn’t violet. If He said SING, don’t replace it with anything. If he said PREACH, don’t suggest praying. Do exactly what God says and expect him to do what He said He would do.
Paul said, “I have planted, Apollos watered, and God gave the increase.” God didn’t give an increase until planting and watering were done. Even if Paul had spent time crying or begging, God wouldn’t increase anything till he functioned by the rules. God means exactly what He says. He told his people that only priests were supposed to carry the ark of the covenant, David ignorantly made a New expensive cart with the best horses, the ark shook about to fall and Uzzah tried to do a good thing, to stop the ark from falling, he touched the ark and he died there instantly. David rejected the ark, and it went into the house of a man called Obed-edom, and the man began to prosper. The same ark that killed Uzzah prospered Obed-edom because one had violated the word. David later discovered that ONLY PRIESTS were supposed to carry the ark, and when he acted rightly, he experienced God’s blessing.
Learn to follow God’s word diligently. For example, Eph 5:18 says, ” Speaking to YOURSELVES in psalms…” But Col 3:16 says,”Speaking ONE TO ANOTHER…” This seemingly small difference is a difference. In that verse of Eph 5, He includes Singing. You can’t say, “No, I don’t like singing.” It’s like some folks who say, “I don’t like spiritual gifts,” when God’s word tells us to “desire” them. Those folks, though sincere, are walking against the word. Do what God says and expect God to keep His Word.