
Inside My Great Mind: Life Is In Phases and Seasons – Super Story

Inside My Great Mind: Life Is In Phases and Seasons – Super Story

Everyone is 24 Hours, how you utilize your time and resources matters alot. Be mindful of your time, energy and human power. Always be in season and out of season. Your life purpose already exists, your primary duty is to search for it.

You can control your choices, but you cannot control the outcome of your choices. Whether you succeed or fail doesn’t depend on others as much as it depends on you!

The ability to be successful and joyful starts with your attitude. Never be fearful of the future. You are the one who carries the touch of Light for yourself and many others. Think and feel blessed and loved, it’ll create and attract an aura of blessings around you!

To think you will fail is a misconception. Release and detach yourself from every person, every circumstance, every condition, and every situation that no longer serves a divine purpose in your life.

Life is in phases and seasons, and certain phases and seasons must come to an end. Don’t force to stay a season or phase that should go. You can create a new season, filled with purposeful thoughts and divine activities.

It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday


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