
Inside My Great Mind: Sometimes, It’s A Protection – Super Mind

Inside My Great Mind: Sometimes, It’s A Protection – Super Mind

Not everything you lose is a loss. Not everything is a loss. Sometimes, it’s protection.  Everyone carries an atmosphere. When you stop associating yourself with the wrong people, you give the right things the opportunity to associate with you. The difference between seasons in a man’s life is simply an instruction.

As you move forward in life, you may have to change your circle of friends. Not everyone around you is interested in seeing you improve. Be picky about the energy you surround yourself with. You can never outgrow those you surround yourself with. You owe yourself that much. If you run around with 9 losers, pretty soon you’ll be the 10th loser.

You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life. Leave that circle! Negative people have a problem for every solution.

Take a moment to appreciate how awesome you are- Yes, You are! You were made with all of God’s divine skills. Don’t put your happiness on hold because of something or someone. Refuse to allow your happiness to be dependent on the reactions of other people towards you. God has given you the characteristics that attract love and affection.

Someone who doesn’t like you doesn’t know you, and never be angry with someone who doesn’t like you. The only reason why he doesn’t like you is because he doesn’t know you. The day he gets to know you, he would like you because you are loveable.

It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday

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