
Inside My Great Mind: Stand Guard At The Door Of Your Mind 24/7 – Super Mind

Inside My Great Mind: Stand Guard At The Door Of Your Mind 24/7 – Super Mind

Today is different from yesterday. You will never have this day again, so make it count. Keep your life in the right perspective. Every good direction in your life is for instruction and expansion.

Every one of us has something even right now to be happy about: our health, our jobs, our businesses, our families, a previous miracle or an opportunity.

Don’t look down on yourself! The strength of your personality follows the strength of your thinking, and do not look at yourself with an inferior look. Do not give yourself the feeling that you are not special. On the contrary, see yourself as a special, distinct personality.

We lock our rooms. We lock our offices. We lock our cars. But some of us leave the door of our minds open to all sort of trash to get in! We allow our minds to be filled with negative words; the words we hear, the words we read, and the words we speak to ourselves! They are toxic. It’s time to detoxify your mind.

Stand guard at the door of your mind 24/7. Your mind is the door to your heart. Choose what gets in and what stays out. Your mind is a massive tool for construction or destruction.

Remember, your mind is a thought factory. It produces based on the raw materials you feed it. If you put in garbage, you get garbage. So, fill your mind with great words, so your thoughts will create the reality that you want to see in your life!

It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday


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