Monitor and Maintain performance of Isimba HPP dam structures and related works in
accordance with Dam Safety management system
Key responsibilities: Brief decription of duties or the responsibilities for the
Key Result Areas
1. Plan, schedule and execute all of dam safety related activities as per established dam
safety management plans at the dams.
2. Maintain an updated data base for all instrumentation readings and inspections
performed for Isimba dam.
3. Perform first level monitoring data on the performance of Isimba dam structures
4. Develop and maintain effective strategies for maintaining all the instrumentation in
good and sound conditions.
5. Compile monthly and quarterly dam safety reports for submission to the Dam safety
6. Budgeting for all Isimba dam safety related activities
7. Implementation of the Emergency Preparedness Plan, by exercising the EPP with all
relevant stakeholders.
8. Ensure that the EPP for Isimba is regularly reviewed and kept up to date.
9. Unsure that the dam safety management plans at Isimba are kept updated at all times.
10. Ensure closure of audit finding that relate to dam safety for Isimba dam
11. Ensure that the flood control equipment is kept in good conditions, tested regularly in
accordance to the flood control equipment maintenance plan.
12. Ensure that the gates are tested on backup systems and that the backup system are
regularly well maintained
13. Develop and implement proper storage all instrumentation and maintenance data
14. Develop and ensure implementation of the public safety management plans for the
safety of the communities that host the hydropower dams
15. Record, investigate and keep a data base of all public safety incidents at Isimba dam
16. Develop and ensure the implementation of effective maintenance strategies for ahydraulic structures, water conveyance systems, powerhouses, dams and all civil
structure installations