Task 1: Lead assessment of all findings from the 2023 Mosaic Framework pilot programs and coordinate development of stand-alone national Mosaic Framework workshop tools, and associated learning aids.
Establish and coordinate an expert working group that will obtain secretariat, external partner, and regional office input into lessons learned from the 2023 Mosaic Framework pilot activities.
Deliverable: Finalization of all Mosaic Framework materials and tools:
Presentation materials
Tabletop scenarios
Implementation process guides
Lead establishment of a Mosaic Community of Practice to link participating countries together on discussions of Mosaic surveillance best practices, the integration of workshop findings into existing work plans and funding proposals; and on discussions of monitoring and evaluation.
Deliverable: Operational online Community of Practice
Lead implementation of 3-5 Mosaic train-the-trainer (TOT) workshops, and established a roster of regional Mosaic Framework workshop facilitators in participating regions.
Deliverable: Workshop reports and roster by end of the consultancy
Develop materials to incorporate pandemic scenarios into Mosaic framework implementation workshops and trainings, aligned with updated guidance for surveillance during an influenza pandemic.
Deliverable: Pilot training materials
Prepare publication(s) on Mosaic Framework best practices and lessons learned.
Deliverable: Draft paper(s) by end of the consultancy
Task 2: Provide influenza expertise to development and implementation of pandemic preparedness guidance, materials and trainings.
Serve as the influenza-specific focal point to PGP on matters of influenza pandemic preparedness.
Deliverable: Monthly reports to GIP on relevant activities and outputs from PGP (for the duration of consultancy)
Provide technical expertise into the development or adaptation of influenza specific pandemic preparedness guidance, training modules, simulation exercises or other materials to enable effective implementation of operational respiratory pathogen pandemic plans in countries.
Deliverable: Influenza-specific materials (as agreed)
As required, lead trainings and provide technical assistance for effective implementation and development of robust global and/or national pandemic surveillance plans that could be effective during an influenza pandemic.
Deliverable: Training materials, reports of meetings and trainings (as agreed)
Task 3: Coordinate and support the development and operations of a global network of sites that are prepared to conduct rapid investigations and studies to understand epidemics and pandemics of influenza, and other respiratory pathogens as applicable. This work will be done in collaboration with WHO staff within GIP, EPM, and with WHO Regional Offices. A suite of standardized protocols for rapid epidemiologic investigation and specialized studies exist, called the Unity Studies, and a network of sites that are able to do these studies is being formed. This task will coordinate aspects of the Unity Studies network at the global level and support regional chapters.
Develop a strategy to monitor site capacity and readiness to conduct Unity Studies.
Deliverable: Monitoring strategy
Support a global meeting launching the Unity Studies network and coordinate aspects of the global meeting agenda.
Deliverable: Secure speakers, draft agenda and facilitate sessions
As required, collaborate with regional and country partners and provide technical expertise on development and modification of workplans, protocols, toolkits, and other materials to support Unity Studies implementation.
Deliverable: Unity implementation materials (as agreed)
Qualifications, experience, skills and languages
Educational Qualifications
Advanced university degree (Master or equivalent) in Public Health or Epidemiology.
Field Epidemiological Training Program (FETP) graduate.
First university degree in Biology or Microbiology.
At least 10 years of relevant experience in epidemic and pandemic preparedness, surveillance and response including to influenza and COVID-19, including at least 5 years at the international level.
- Experience working with WHO, including at WHO country offices, or Regional Offices.
- Experience working in countries on respiratory pathogen epidemic and pandemic response, including for Influenza and COVID-19.
- Experience advising on surveillance approaches for influenza and other respiratory pathogens.
- Experience developing, implementing, or advising on rapid investigations of respiratory pathogens during an epidemic or pandemic.
- Experience synthesizing complex technical and political public health information into systematic review/meta-analysis or succinct, user-friendly resources.
Strong interpersonal communications
Strong writing skills
Languages and level required
Expert knowledge of English