Minimum Qualifications:
7.0 Expected qualifications and requirements:
The following experience and skill set are necessary but not limited to:
- A minimum of 8-10 years professional experience specifically related to education sector projects implementation.
- Proven expertise of USAID grant education activity
- Experience in conducting education assemmesnt and research, particularly EGRA and EGMA
- Substantive knowledge and experience in conducting high-level analysis including comparison analysis
- Excellent research skills both for qualitative and quantitative research methods.
- Proven ability to write and present complex scenarios as it relates to education projects for both technical and non-technical audiences.
- Ability to evaluate while being consistent with guiding principles and ethical standards; and
- Excellent English speaking and writing skills.
- Familiarity with Northeastern region, particularly Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states.
- Understanding of technical aspects of nonformal education in an emergency setup.
8.0 Evaluation and Selection Criteria of the consultancy:
A two-stage procedure will be utilized in evaluating proposals. The first stage will involve an evaluation of the technical proposals, which will be completed before any financial proposals are considered. A 70/30 assessment model will be employed, where the technical proposal accounts for 70% of the evaluation and the financial proposal accounts for 30%. The cumulative weighted average methodology will then be applied to determine the proposal that offers the best value for money.
- Technical Proposal: The consultant should prepare a proposal based on the tasks and deliverables outlined in the ToR. The proposal should include: An approach and methodology, proposed scope, and data collection methodology, A draft work plan and timeline for the evaluation, Updated CVs of the consultants and Copies of two reports from previous evaluations/Assesment conducted by the consultants.
- Financial Proposal: The financial offer should include a detailed cost breakdown of the consultancy fee and daily subsistence allowance (DSA) for fieldwork in Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe (BAY states) in Nigeria. The financial proposal must be submitted in a separate file, clearly labeled as “Financial Proposal.” No financial information should be included in the technical proposal, as doing so will result in the cancellation of the proposal