To provide technical guidance to the cluster team on; Programme/Project planning, development, monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning in line with WV and donor specific policies and standards; including maintaining systems to collect and analyze information on activities, outputs, outcomes and impact of Programme/Projects.
Project planning and management:
- Establish a robust MEAL system for the project by having clear MEAL framework and a performance monitoring plan for all project indicators
- Develop and administer performance-monitoring tools to track program indicators in line with the Project/Programme implementation plans
- Provide technical guidance and leadership in regards to the Annual Review and Planning process
- Effectively roll out and develop strong accountability mechanisms at AP and cluster level
- Quality MEAL Documents [Log-frames, M&E Plans, ITTs and DIPs]
- Quality Area Programme Plans
- Project monitoring tools developed
Project Monitoring
- Collect and process data on project activities as specified in the detail program implementation plan.
- Plan and conduct project output and outcome level monitoring as per the MEAL plan and share through monitoring reports on progress of the project in line with the results framework
- Perform quarterly data quality assessments to ensure validity, integrity, precision, reliability and timeliness of all performance data; identify any deficiencies and suggest corrective actions; and assist the technical team members to maintain electronic and hard copy files.
- Provide routine monitoring data on progress of accountability mechanisms at AP and cluster Level.
- Project MEAL Databases in place
- Project Monitoring Reports (Output and Outcome)
- Data Quality Assessment Reports
Data management, Analysis and Reporting:
- Perform analysis of data, providing both descriptive and inferential statistics, as well as qualitative analysis, that will allow for an enhanced understanding of the ARP and project indicators.
- Provide meaningful data summaries and visualization to demonstrate result to the project management. Support application of software for results based monitoring and evaluation such as SPSS, EPIDATA, EPIINFO, STATA, GIS
- Prepares monitoring and evaluation reports documenting the findings of evaluation processes, including the impact of World Vision work to the communities.
- Analyzed project data with clear visualization discussed and displayed for guiding project improvement
- Project Monitoring reports _ with action plans
Project Documentation and Learning:
- Compile progress reports (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi Annual and Annual) for management decision making in line with the project implementation plan and donor requirements.
- Promote utilization of data/information from progress reports, baselines, evaluations and other assessments at project level through reflection and learning forums such as quarterly review meetings and management meetings or conferences for project partners.
- Documentation of project learnings, project most significant change stories, best practices etc. in profiling the projects performance to stakeholders
- Presence of detailed and quality reports and updated project plans
- Minutes of reflection and learning Meetings
- Action Log of all reflection and Learning Forums
- Documentation of success stories, project learnings, best practices etc.
Assessments, Evaluations and Research
- Provide technical guidance and leadership in conducting project assessments, baselines and Evaluations in line with established donor related guidelines
- Monitor and track implementation of project evaluation recommendations in line with World Vision Uganda evaluation strategy and donor regulations.
- Baseline and Evaluation Reports completed within WV and donor guidelines
Information Management Systems
- Develop appropriate project Information Management Systems including project databases as a means to track M&E indicator performance using statistical software such as SPSS, EPIDATA, EPIINFO, STATA, GIS
- Utilize WVU database initiatives such as Horizon, GIS, Automated Database and other relevant National Databases for organizational visibility such as the OVC databases
- Provide and utilize data required by the District Health Information Management System (DHIS2) and OVC MIS
- Provide information/data required to support during proposal writing for resource mobilization in line with World Vision Uganda mission.
- Provide technical guidance and coordinate implementation of WV Partnership and WV Uganda strategic initiatives such as LEAP 3 and Horizon
- Functional MEAL Databases in place
- Visibility of project interventions in National Databases such as HMIS, OVC etc.
- Functional project profile in Horizon
- 100% roll out of strategic initiatives
Capacity Building
- Provide technical support to the project staff, beneficiaries and other stakeholders on monitoring and evaluation according to World Vision Uganda evaluation strategy and donor requirements.
- Develop capacity of project staff to utilize existing M&E tools for proper tracking and reporting in line with the donor guidelines including coaching and mentoring for project staff, partners and other stakeholders on Design, monitoring, evaluation & research.
- Minutes, Data bases, and work plans
Any Other Duties
- Carry out any other duties required by the MEAL Manager in support of the overall MEAL agenda and organisational objectives.
- Activity reports and or minutes
Required Professional Experience
- Experience with qualitative and quantitative M&E data collection and analysis methods, including tracking outcome indicators, is desirable.
- Knowledge of designing and managing M&E systems at a national level for effective generation of monitoring data used in tracking Programme and improved service delivery and support related to development programming
- Experience in designing M&E methodologies and tools, and the ability to coach and train others in their use is desirable.
- Excellent command of MS Excel, and working knowledge of at least two statistical data management packages/software’s (quantitative & qualitative) e.g., SPSS, NVIVO/Nudist, EPIINFO, STATA etc.
- Demonstrated experience in analyzing, interpreting, and reporting on M&E results so that lessons can be learned and incorporated into programming is desirable.
Required Education, training, license, registration, and certification
- A bachelor’s degree in Monitoring & Evaluation, Statistics, Quantitative Economics, Mathematics, Public health, Demography, Biostatistics, or a related field is required.
Preferred Knowledge
and Qualifications
- Minimum of 3 years of work experience in managing data intensive programs in designing, monitoring, and evaluation methodologies is highly desirable.
- Experience in proposal writing and development, grants management, Report writing, research, monitoring and evaluation skills
- Ability to work with inter-disciplinary teams and a wide range of program/project activities
- Strong report writing and communication skills
- Proactive personality, self-driven and strongly motivated
- Capacity/potential in leadership, relationship management/networking, and coordination.
- Spiritual maturity, interfaith knowledge and a biblical worldview – ability to articulate and model our Christian identity and mission in an inclusive way.
- Good interpersonal skills, team player, facilitation skills and strong communication skills, both verbal and written
- Proven conceptual & analytical skills, ability to take an evidence-based approach to programming