Qualifications and Experience
Holder of Bachelor Degree in one of the following fields: Procurement and Supplies Management,
Material Management, Logistics Management or equivalent qualifications from recognized
institutions plus CSP/CPSP registered by Procurement and Supplies Professionals and
Technician Board (PSPTB) as Approved Procurement and Supplies Professional with working
experience of at least seven (7) years in related field.
Duties and responsibilities
(i) To assist in the analysis of purchasing equipment and undertake subsequent purchasing
process of approved requisitions;
(ii) To guide all junior staff on matters relating to storekeeping;
(iii) To deal with stores, purchasing or clearing and forwarding matters related to them;
(iv) To carry-out reconciliation of physical stocks against records;
(v) To ensure maintenance and amendment of stock level figure;
(vi) To ensure efficient stock control levels are maintained (Inventory Analysis and Control);
(vii) To be responsible for clearing and forwarding activities;
(viii) To make sure suppliers are paid timely; and
(ix) To perform any other related duties as may be assigned by the supervisor