Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager & overall Supervision of the Senior Program Manager. The incumbent will support our client to implement project activities in the country & provide technical support & advice to the project lead, in communication with the project HQ in Colombo,
- Support the grantees to understand strategic directions & technical features of the project & ensure high quality of the project implementation. This may include issues specific to pollution from the specific projects, emissions reduction, energy conservation, environmental & development of social management plan.
- Support the grantees to develop key guidance, templates & other management tools & instruments as required, to enhance the ability of project personnel & teams to plan & implement environmental management activities in their projects, such as environmental management frameworks, environment management plans or environment impact assessments, among others.
- Carry out environmental due diligence to grantees, contractors & suppliers prior to commencement of project work to ensure that the ones with unsatisfactory performance are not engaged.
- Support grantees to understand plastic waste characteristic & possible leakages to natural system.
- Support to organize training to the selected grantees to earn knowledge on properties of plastic waste & possible solutions to the specific types of the plastic waste.
- Support grantees to improve knowledge on plastic waste management; develop reports on comparison on national, international & product stands on key parameters relevant to the specific project.
- Deep knowledge on plastic waste issues in the country & possible solutions that could ease the plastic waste management issues in the country; understand the global trend of plastic treatment options & explore possibilities to implement innovative projects.
- Familiar with ISO / TR 23891 : 2020 & ISO 14001 & look for a possibility to adopt the standard to the local context.
- Identify possible risks that may be encountered by the grantees & assist to develop suitable mitigation measures.
- Thorough understanding on national policy related to plastic waste management & guide the grantees to assist government in framing plastic waste management in the local context & regional requirements.
Support grantees to technical documents for the operations of facilities:
- Provide technical advice, directions & a quality assurance framework within the region in relation to environment & sustainability.
- Support development of standard operations procedures for the facility supported through the PLEASE project & ensure the facility is managed as per the standard operations procedures.
- Provide technical inputs to develop standard operating procedure & facilitate obtaining validation from the respective national & regional counterparts.
- Explore distructive technology & estimate risk to the existing projects & develop mitigation measures.
- Provide support to conduct time & motion study & set up effective plastic waste collection system.
Explore new innovative idea & support to test the prototypes:
- Support grantees to develop new innovation & develop prototypes.
- Facilitate the grantees to test the prototypes.
- Support coordination with national universities & find out new trends of the research & interest of students & faculty members in the plastic waste management.
- Coordinate with research institutes or university to test samples of products produced at the facility.
- Review the test report & provide advice to the production process improvement if required.
- Support the grantee to seek possibilities to expand the project & diversity the products.
Support to reporting & grant monitoring & evaluation:
- Review technical reports & provide comments for improvements.
- Align skills & policies of the grantees with sectoral strategies that contribute to export growth, economic diversification & employment creation.
- Build & maintain an institution for continuous skills dialogue & support to implementation.
- Integration into broader technical assistance projects in the area of skills, trade, sector development & employment promotion.
- Assist grantees to develop write ups related to the project & related activities & ensure it meets international standards.
Participate in QC / QA missions & provide technical analysis & advice