
Terms of Reference—Diversifying and Boosting Crop Production at OXFAM Port Loko, Moyamba, Kono, Koinadugu, Kailahun, Bo, Sierra Leone


Terms of Reference—Diversifying and Boosting Crop Production at OXFAM Port Loko, Moyamba, Kono, Koinadugu, Kailahun, Bo, Sierra Leone


Full time Job

Date Posted: August 26, 2023

Application deadline:

Expired on: September 10, 2023 12:00am


Job description

Oxfam in Sierra Leone will undertake a final evaluation for diversifying and boosting crop production project in Sierra Leone. The project is implemented in seven districts, spanning through the North, South and Eastern provinces (Port Loko, Kono, Kailahun, Bombali, Koinadugu, Moyamba and Bo) in the country.

The goal of this project is ‘Boosting agriculture and food security through increased and diversified crop production in SL’. The Project was aimed at boosting Crops diversification and promotion of four crop value chains (Cassava, Maize, Irish Potato, and Ginger). It focused on sustainable agricultural development and enhanced value addition to increase trade opportunities and assuring Added Value Chain (AVC) through a multi-sectoral collaboration of FBOs, CBOs, local and national Government, the private sector etc.

The final evaluation will assess the overall performance and establish whether the project’s intended indicators at impact, outcome and output level were achieved, providing a clear explanation of why or why not for each result/situation.


The final evaluation will collect primary and secondary progress data on the set performance indicators outlined in the project’s log frame. The final evaluation will compare the status of indicators with the baseline and midline status in order to establish the impact that has been realized on the project.


The specific objectives to be addressed by the evaluation are:

  • To assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability and replicability of the outputs and achievements of the project.
  • Drawing lessons learned for better implementation performance for future projects and similar projects and context.
  • Analyze and assess the capacity and management structures of OXFAM and the targeted communities, and also the monitoring and evaluation systems of the project.
  • Make recommendations to strengthen the impact and sustainability of achievements after the end of the project. This involves the development of an action plan for major stakeholders to promote sustainability and long-term impact to the beneficiary communities.


Oxfam is seeking a qualified individual consultant or a recognized institution or firm to conduct final evaluation of the project in all 7 project districts namely Bo, Kailahun, Kono, Port Loko, Bombali, Koinadugu and Moyamba.


The evaluation will be conducted in all Seven (7) project districts reaching 28 Chiefdoms. The consultant will engage with Oxfam’s two partners for this project, namely (MoPADA and Child Fund), government agencies such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Local Councils (both district and city), 42 Farmer Based Organizations (FBOs); 28 Women groups, 28 Youth groups, private sector institutions, Agri-Extension officer as well as agreed cross-selection of participants in the crops production and supply chain in project districts/communities.



The consultant will be required to prepare detailed research methodology for this evaluation which will be submitted to and approved by Oxfam and partners. It is expected that the evaluation will employ a mixed methods innovative and participatory approach on data collection.


The detailed methodology submitted by the consultant must among others include the following:

  • The final evaluation designs
  • Data collection instruments, protocols, and procedures
  • Procedures for analyzing quantitative and qualitative data
  • Data presentation/dissemination methods.
  • Report writing plan and structure

The key data collection methods may include the following among others.

  • Household interviews
  • Focus group discussion (FGD)
  • Key Informant Interview (KII)
  • Observation
  • Document review (with MOA and project reports)

Document Review 

The consultant will be permitted to use all relevant project documents if need be.

  • Approved version of Detail project Document,
  • Project logical framework,
  • Grant Application Form
  • Baseline survey report
  • Mid Term Review Report

Once selected, Oxfam will provide the required documents. Also, secondary data sources will be used for further data analysis and referenced in final report.

Data analysis and interpretation 

  • Primary data and secondary data analysis process will be disaggregated by Gender, sex and demographic parameters or as the case may be, based on the specific indicators assessed.
  • Collected data will be processed using either the SPSS statistical data analysis software or other widely acceptable data analysis software application. Draft findings will be presented to project team and key partners to validate.
  • The consultant shall be provided all the EU BAFS Project contact details. Field project team shall support the consultant with the field discussions as per the field visit plan to meet the primary stakeholders.
  • Based on the sample frame, the consultant shall create plans for implementing the sample design and train enumerators to implement the designed sample
  • The consultant shall identify and train high caliber enumerators/field workers with experience in Agricultural extension services to ensure that the review is completed as per schedule. The consultant shall also recruit, train, assign, field, equip, supervise, and compensate all enumerators she/he needs to carry out the survey.
  • The consultant must ensure that results of the pilot phase shall be entered in a Microsoft data entry program or other error detecting software to debug any errors in the program, data entry, or coding. Once the questionnaires are revised after the pilot, the data entry software will also be revised to reflect the changes in the questionnaires.
  • The consultant shall be responsible for all field operations, including logistical arrangements for data collection and obtaining the consent of respondents.
  • The consultant shall contact local officials and community leaders to explain how the exercise will be conducted and obtain community consent for the final evaluation.
  • The consultant shall obtain maps, lists and other community records relevant for the assignment.

Evaluation Focus  

The evaluation will focus on the project’s beneficiaries and other relevant stakeholders in order to address the following issues:

  1. Analysis of the project logical framework.
  2. The evaluation should place a focus on how similar projects might be improved in the future, as well as limitations.
  3. Replicability and scaling-up of good practices and lessons learned analysis.
  4. The consultant is expected to assess the entire financial and non-financial results of the program and its management by the Implementing Partners per the OECD/DAC criteria (Likely Design, Impact, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and sustainability).
  5. The consultant may adapt the evaluation criteria and questions, but any fundamental changes should be agreed between the Oxfam, Partners and the consultant and reflected in the inception report.
  6. The consultant will focus to analyze the design of the project (and beneficiaries’ participation into the design); and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the project implementation by the partners (including Oxfam) within the agreed contractual conditions.
  7. Assess the program objectives, outcomes and recommend measures (if any).  Investigate the relevance of the project objectives and identify the program priorities areas of interest and the needs of the beneficiaries. Hence, recommend means of incorporating those priorities for similar intervention.
  8. Assess the performance of the program in terms of timeliness, quality, quantity, and cost effectiveness of the activities undertaken including project procurement. Assess the application of the project strategies, principles and prospects of the sustainability and ownership of the programme.


  • An inception report detailing methodologies to be used and sample size calculations, a detailed execution plan and data-collection tools.
  • Draft report submitted to Oxfam within an agreed timeline between Oxfam and the Consultant (soft copy) for Oxfam and partner input.
  • A presentation of the key findings and recommendations to Oxfam and other stakeholders. This can be virtual or a face-to-face presentation in Freetown. In addition, the consultant will submit a Power Point presentation of the main findings
  • Collected data (raw) after analysis submitted to Oxfam alongside the final report.
  • Final evaluation report (soft copy) submitted to Oxfam.


The consultant or team leader that are proposed by an institution shall have:

  1. Advance level Degree in Statistics/Economics/project Management or Sustainable Development. A Master’s degree in M&E processes will be an added advantage.
  2. Minimum of 5 years of hands-on experience in conducting baseline and midterm reviews, data analysis, and evaluations for development project or programs in Sierra Leone’s context either with reputable INGOs, NGOs or other reputable institutions.
  3. Excellent understanding of the local economy, functioning of Agricultural cooperatives, small scale enterprises including special focus on the crop production sub-sector in Sierra Leone.
  4. Proven track record in Program Evaluations, livelihood, Women empowerment projects and M&E processes or development programs.
  5. Proven track record in quantitative and qualitative data collection tools and analysis and use of participatory approaches
  6. Experience in using theory of change, outcome mapping, outcome harvesting in development projects.
  7. Strong communication and interpersonal skills, and ability to work with people from different backgrounds to deliver quality products within a short timeframe.
  8. Experience and/or know-how of project implementation at the ground level
  9. Flexibility and, responsiveness to change/demands and openness to feedback.

Support from Oxfam and partners to the final evaluation will include: 

  • Share with the Consultant all the relevant project documents.
  • Review and approve the work plan, including the timeframe and methodology to be applied.
  • Ensure that Oxfam’s Safeguarding, Code of conduct and Anti-fraud Policies are fully adhered to.
  • Ensure smooth flow of consultancy engagement processes including contractual obligations.
  • Ensure community sensitization and mobilization of respondents.
  • Follow up and evaluate progress on execution of the task assigned.
  • Provide prompt input to the consultant’s submissions and ensure partners receive the submissions and provide input.
  • Working space for the Consultant while in project districts
  • Overall accountability of the evaluation process
  • Guidance and coordination throughout all the phases of evaluation, keeping communication with external Consultant.
  • Closely follow up the data collection process, ensuring quality control, weekly debriefing, meeting the timelines set for interview completion.
  • Inform partners, staff, project beneficiaries, and stakeholder their involvement in the evaluation.
  • Quality assurance of the final product



  • The consultant shall protect the anonymity and confidentiality of information collected. All data shall be confidential and is the property of Oxfam Sierra Leone. No data or other information from this evaluation shall be released to third parties without the written approval of Oxfam Sierra Leone.
  • The consultant shall turn over all data and questionnaires to Oxfam and shall not destroy information and material at the end of the evaluation and after all data and original documentation has been delivered to Oxfam. The Consultant agrees to loyally and conscientiously perform all the duties described related to the consultancy.
  • The Consultant agrees to observe and comply with all policies (Code of Conduct, Child Protection, Anti-fraud policy, Data Protection Policy etc), rules, regulations and directions that will be given by Oxfam.


  • The budget for this consultancy shall be provided by the intending consultant or consulting team or firm. This shall constitute the financial proposal for the assignment submitted to Oxfam in their application.
  • It is important to note that should there be any problem in the delivery of outputs pertaining to quality and schedule, the consultant is expected to make the necessary corrective actions without affecting the overall project delivery. This shall have no additional cost to Oxfam and the EU BAFS project.

Application Process and Requirements: Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following:

  • Letter of interest in submission of the Proposal
  • A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following:
  • Consultant/Company Profile and legal documentation
  • Description of the Methodology and Sample Size Determination
  • Demonstrated previous experience in similar assignments and qualifications outlined in this ToR.
  • Proposed data management plan (collection, processing, and analysis).
  • Proposed timeframe detailing activities and a work plan.
  • Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (include CVs of each team member).
  • A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study quoted in Sierra Leone.
  • Detailed CVs of all professional(s) who will work on the evaluation. Please attach a table describing the level of effort (in number of days) of each team member in each of the evaluation activities.
  • Professional references: please provide at least two references from your previous clients and full contact details of the referees.


Please send your applications to email You can also submit the applications to Oxfam Office, 12 Smart Farm, Off Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Please note that given the likely high volume of applications, only shortlisted applications will be contacted. Late submission of application after the deadline will not be accepted.

Application deadline:

Expired on: September 10, 2023

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