Success is very predictable, life may never present success directly to you, it will provide possibilities, challenges and opportunities to you, but it’s up to you to convert them into success.
Success builds on success, and as this happens, over and over, you move toward the highest success possible.
When you see someone who has a lot of knowledge, they learnt it over time. When you see someone who has a lot of skills, they developed them over time. When you see someone who has done a lot, they accomplished it over time. The key is over time. Success is built sequentially. It’s one thing at a time.
Begin to see yourself at your best and carry yourself that way. No one is going to change your life for you. Everything starts with you. The day you realize and internalize that is the day your life begins to change. Say no to doubts and fears that prevent you from moving forward.
Let the doubters be your fuel and keep pushing until their voices fade into the background. You’re not stopping until you’ve reached the heights they thought were impossible.
It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday