
Inside Daily Insight: Labor for Results

Inside Daily Insight: Labor for Results

” Whereunto I also labor, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.” Col 1:29

Good results are never a result of negligence or disorder. Proverbs 22:29 says, ” Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.” Diligence gets you rewarded always. Many admire the results Apostle Paul got, and they suppose it was only a matter of grace, but the scriptures show us that Paul worked diligently, demonstrating his faith for which reason he achieved greatness. Excellence is not achieved by wishing and hoping. There are things you must do to take you from where you are to the next and higher level of success. It’s going to take some discipline to stay in training until you become the best in what you do. People who don’t like to invest in labor never make an impact.

There are things that will challenge your faith, and if you back off because you are too lazy to knock them down, you will never see greatness. Great success comes by knocking down great obstacles. The bigger the challenge, the more rewarding is the prize for knocking it down. The ability of God is in you, yes, but sometimes you have to wear out your muscles before the miracle can come. Paul didn’t just pray for souls to come he went ahead and labored preaching night and day. He endured hardships but was determined to see souls saved. Yes, pray and fast ,confess the word but also WORK and WORK DILIGENTLY, be a wise worker, one who works with the right ideas. God says, “Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper,” but if you do nothing, then what will he bless. You need to labor and take advantage of God’s ability as you work, and you will produce more excellent results. Things may demand that you keep up awake,working, studying, praying, or meditating all night long. If you are lazy, you will see nothing but more troubles even though you are born again.

The bible says, “Faith without works is dead,” so the proof of your faith is in acting. You have to do something now that you have believed. Sometimes, it’s not easy according to the flesh. Giving is one area that may not appear easy, and it’s going to take Faith to ACT on that word. Don’t expect great miracles without the desire to follow the principles of investing. Give and it shall be given unto you. Before you claim to increase what the seed you have sown, what time are you giving to God, what service do you render to God or to the ministry? You have to balance the grace and the works of your faith, get to do something with the grace of God on your life. Labor, and don’t just wait for something to happen.


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