
Inside Daily Insights: God talking through Man

Inside Daily Insights: God talking through Man

“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.”
1 Thess 2:13

Many folks miss God because they haven’t been trained to hear God. God doesn’t always talk to us in a spectacular way, but it’s always supernatural. When a Child of God and most importantly, your Pastor talks to you, be very careful how you hear because God may be talking to you. The way you receive the word of God from human lips is so important. There are folks who never see God in others except in themselves, and that’s very wrong.

A certain fellow requested prayer for something recently and i told her what she had to do to witness a change, as i prayed for folks on my list few days later i got to mention her name and the LORD stopped me and said “That one you told her what to do and she hasn’t done it so it’s no use praying for her like that.” Well, i discovered that God took seriously the words which i had given her previously, or rather i had spoken to her through “the word of wisdom.” Now, i want you to notice something, God gave this woman a solution, but because she didn’t recognize him, she ignored the simple instruction. I wonder why anybody should ask for help when they are not ready to receive and act on the word of God. Why should people go to church, yet they have not made up their minds to act on the word of the minister?

Paul said the folks in Thessalanoica received the word he preached as the word of God, not of men. If you hear a message preached to you, judge it with the word of God, and if it’s indeed the word, act on it immediately. God has anointed men and women for your perfection and it’s wise to hear them especially when you haven’t trained yourself to hear the voice of God and don’t ask for solutions when you don’t want them. The first time i heard God talk to me was through a young high school boy. Well, i am grateful to God that i listened. The bible says, “Fools hate instruction.” But you are a child of God and don’t walk as a fool. Receive the word with meekness. God will talk to you many times by human lips. Become spiritually minded. The instruction may be so simple but act on it.

Jesus told some blind folks to wash their eyes in a certain pool, and they would be healed. If the folks had taken that lightly, they would have remained blind. He told Peter to go fishing and find money in the fish and Peter acted on it, He told folks at a wedding to feel jars with water and give people to drink as wine and thank God Mary had said to them, “Whatsoever he tell you to do, do it.” Learn to hear God from fellow brothers and Sisters, it may save you from many things.


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