
Inside Daily Insights: How to acquire wisdom

Inside Daily Insights: How to acquire wisdom

Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are very related. One must have relevant information (knowledge) he comprehends (understanding) and applies (wisdom) for him to attain/accomplish something worthwhile. In some way, we can say, in whatever assignment, anything that brings you quality information, which you can comprehend and go on to apply, is a source of wisdom. In short, l will give five easy ways of acquiring wisdom:

1) Fear God. By having a personal relationship with Jesus, you have the invaluable access to the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, which is inaccessible to the ungodly (Colosians 2v3). The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1v7). The mere respect and application of God’s counsel, principles, concepts, and precepts is profound wisdom at work.
2) Ask for it from God. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1 v 5. King Solomon asked for wisdom and understanding from God, and he was given. God is no respector of persons. He will do the same to you if you ask from Him.
3)Yearn for wisdom. Have an insatiable appetite to acquire wisdom. Instead of desiring silver, gold and riches go for wisdom. (Proverbs 8 v 10,11,17). King David and Solomon had so much wealth, but they esteemed wisdom above their entrepreneurial flair. Be in active search for godly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Read, study, meditate upon, and apply the Bible. Read biographies of heroes of your chosen field of interest. Listen to or watch resources that make you wiser. Take courses that give you the skills you desire to have.
4)Keep wise company. If you walk with the wise, you become wise (Proverbs 13 v 20). Apostle Peter, after encountering incarnated wisdom, he expressed no desire to go anywhere else by saying, “To whom shall we go to, you have the words of eternal life.” (John 6 v 68). He was right for when Jesus spoke, all people were in awe of the profoundness of His words. When you encounter the wise and you desire to be wise do all that you can to stick to them.
5) Engage other minds. Your viewpoint is too narrow to get you very far. You need other minds to help you come up with the best life decisions. In the multitude of counselors, there is safety (Proverbs 11 v 14). Had some people wisely consulted enough before marrying, they should have avoided the painful marriages they are in. Had some people sought wise counsel from experienced businesspeople before investing their fortunes, they should not have lost it. If some ambitious, vibrant, and upcoming minister of the Gospel gets to be mentored by a wise godly mentor, he is going to avoid many stupid mistakes and rise faster than leaning on his own understanding. God hated a monopoly of precious Kingdom resources no wonder he invested in diversity of gifts in different people (Ephesians 4 v11-13 & 1 Corinthians 12 v 4 -11) so that they come together and accomplish one Kingdom purpose.

In whatever circumstance you find yourself in, remember you can still do something to be better and wiser than you were before. May you move from one dimension of wisdom to another to the betterment of your life.


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