“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.”
1 Cor 9:24
Life is a race where each and everyone competes against himself. Whether you know it or you don’t, you are running in this race. The only problem is, are you running in a way that makes you obtain a prize? You don’t win in Cambridge exams by assuming things and constantly being asked to study or purchase books for the course you require a prize in. It is common sense that ignoring information will make you a failure. If you suppose you will pass life exams by ignorance, then let me be honest and sincere with you, FORGET IT.
How are you running your race? Do you have the necessary books for life courses? Do you study the books or have you bought them and locked them in a suitcase? Are you indeed answering life exams, or are you just hitchhiking ? You won’t graduate in the university by wishing and hoping, you have to attend lectures, study, go for an attachment ( practical exercise) write the dissertation and write and pass many exams, if you don’t exercise diligence you are sure to flop even if you cry or beg the lecturer to make you pass. Many people pass school exams but fail life exams, and I know why. Folks get so serious with school exams so much that they pay for quality books and will hire private tutors, folks can spend all night studying, folks will learn 7 hours daily, they will go for discussions, research, buy simpler books, write notes and will study hard and memorise formulas and concepts, in life exams folks suppose they will pass by ignoring success in life tips but it doesn’t happen. I am a success in life, I spend time in the success library, and I go for success attachments where my theory is tested.
Many folks are not in pursuit of success. They are just wishing and hoping but are not determined and committed to a successful life. I suppose success is paid for by your attitude towards it. 1 Cor 9:25 says, “And every man that STRIVETH for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we are incorruptible.” You can’t become a master in spiritual things without adequate knowledge and practice of spiritual things. Don’t deceive yourself that you are in pursuit of success if there is nothing to show. When I started studying elementary chemistry, everyone at home and my friends knew I studied chemistry. You would come into my room and know what I was up to. My wall had formulas and I spent time studying big quality books to qualify for the next level and I did, I never studied Accounting a single day for 4 years in High School but just registered for exams, “hoping” for a miracle. Well, I flopped and had straight passes in Science subjects where I exercised diligence. You only win where you invest serious attention.