“The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22
Wealth can be attracted or repelled. Wealth does not haphazardly and unfairly flow towards a few lucky people in any society. There is a system and principles that direct wealth to any destination it is found flowing to. To attract wealth, you need to have the business knowledge, the skills to execute the knowledge, the attitude and character befitting having a certain level of wealth.
Wealth is earned by offering valuable services or products. Only inheritance brings wealth by blood relations, but within those lines, you might need to impress the person leaving the inheritance. After shouting, l receive my wealth in church. You need to go out and offer services or products in exchange for money.
Wealth can be created. He who has nothing can end up with much through implementing sound entrepreneurial ideas. Get rich quick schemes are never sound. They are promises of conman feeding on the wealth lust of the not so wise. If you don’t understand where the profits are coming from please don’t invest in that. Pyramid schemes again and again defraud people, don’t get involved in them.
Wealth needs to be preserved since it is highly perishable. Jealously guard your income for some want to dispossess you. Learn how not to be exploited by greedy people after your hard earned income. Waste not, want not. Jesus, after feeding the multitudes, He instructed the leftovers to be gathered. Wasting is not proof that you have much, but it is only proof that you don’t appreciate that wealth is very perishable.
Wealth favors great stewards. Those who are faithful over little are given more. The parable of talents also reveals that God gives wealth according to each person’s stewardship capacity. A good steward knows his total income, monthly expenses, level of debts, if any, and what is being stored for the future.
Wealth can be inherited. It is a work of the devil for some cultures to say wealth from inheritance is ever problematic. According to the Bible, a good man leaves an inheritance to his children and his grandchildren. Actually, it is a curse for every generation to start from zero financially. What’s wrong for each child to get a house from his/her parents. Isn’t it sweet to enjoy something left by your grandparents. If you can’t figure out how to leave an inheritance, go to your rural home and plant many mango trees they can outlast you. If you can, let your children inherit your valuable business networks, business systems, royalty earnings, and other passive income sources.
Wealth is godly. What you believe affects what you receive. If you believe wealth is ungodly and you value godliness, obviously, this sets you up for poverty. Believe that wealth is godly. It can be possessed as a product of God’s blessing working in your life. Wealth is very consistent with Deuteronomy 28 blessing promise. Actually, Jesus Christ was made poor so that we become rich. In actual fact, the God whom we serve who happens to be our Father is a rich God. His estate includes the earth and the heavens. None is as godly as God. If the Father God is rich, it is reasonable to expect His children to be rich too through inheritance and likeness in being creative.
Wealth is needed for God’s Kingdom business. Through prosperity, the Kingdom of God shall spread worldwide (Zechariah 1v17). Crusades, church building, generators, giving the needy, paying full-time ministers, and attending distant conferences all demand money. If Christians are all clean in heart but having empty pockets, who will fund the spreading of the Gospel and making of disciples? If you have no reason to be wealthy, then just get wealthy to be a Kingdom sponsor.
I have noted that your financial beliefs can affect your financial performance. For example, if you always say your income is too little, you will never accomplish something meaningful because you feel justified by the inadequacy. On the contrary, for the same amount, if you tell yourself that it is much, you feel compelled to do something meaningful with it. An attitude of gratitude enables a human soul to achieve much. Examine your hidden financial beliefs, which might be hindering your wealth increase.
Seasons of plenty are usually followed by seasons of lack. Seven years of plenty in Egypt were to be followed by seven years of famine. As soon as the prodigal son finished his inheritance, a famine occurred. Be as wise as Joseph, who had an insight that saving 20% of each year’s harvest would take Egypt through the famine. Do not plunge yourself into future financial droughts by squandering your money in good years. For there is a season and time for everything. An ice cream business during summer, it must store up for the cash dry winter season. The slump in sales of ice cream in winter is not demonic but purely a season matter. Take full advantage of your years of plenty by planning for the uncertain future.
Put to good use your economically active stage of your life. Most people’s financial earnings peak from the age of 21 to up to 55 years. Earnings at this stage must be interpreted right so that the old age stage after 55 will not be a pain. The earnings of the economically active age include the living expenses from age 55 up to possibly 100. The wise spend bearing this in mind. Like Joseph taught – in the years of plenty, let’s set aside something so that we don’t suffer from the famine years. Isn’t it ironical and annoying that secular Egypt which saved in years of plenty suffered no hunger in famine years whilst a very spiritual and blessed Israel which saved nothing in years of plenty got into the land of slavery due to lack of grain in the years of famine? Saints let’s learn to respect principles, including financial principles, to avoid unnecessary suffering. Jesus taught us the same principle in the parable of the ten brides (Matthew 25v1-13) – the five were called wise because they had some just-in-case oil, unlike the other five. In this life, don’t despise some just-in-case financial plans and set aside resources for the unexpected. Saints having medical insurance and funeral cover is not an ungodly act of doubt.
Your financial status is not a mystery that can not be understood. If you are not rendering any valuable services or goods, you will be poor. If you are not investing, your money does not multiply without any doubt. If your hands are doing nothing, no matter how God blesses you zero times a billion or trillion, this amounts to zero. If you are not earning $10 a day, surely by the end of the month, you won’t be having $300. Your financial earnings are the marketplace feedback to your contributions. Review your life based on the feedback the marketplace is giving you.
Many Christians are too smart for money. Clean hands are nice to look at but they don’t earn a penny no wonder the Scriptures in Proverbs 14v4 says, “Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; but much increase comes by the strength of an ox.” Refuse to do a thing on the basis of it being immoral not on the basis of what other broke saints at church will say about your not so smart but profitable business/job. For six days, do every ethical work you can find, then on Sunday, come to church putting on very elegant clothes with a generous offering in your wallet. In that manner, you are a great member of any church. By the way, church is very boring when you are broke. When financial contributions are mentioned, you switch off as if it is wrong to talk about church financial needs to its members.
You are the master of your destiny. If you don’t drive your life purposelessly, you will incur bills you can not afford to pay. But if you commit yourself to value adding service, surely you will be financially rewarded. It starts with your mind. Let your mind be renewed, coached, mentored, and guided by valuable financial information, and you will see yourself eager to do the right things that increase your wealth. Poverty is a poverty of the mind for in any society no matter how hard life could be. Some still prosper. Get to know what, as such know which make them prosper in all seasons.
It is a financially empoverishing mindset to think good times will roll forever when you are experiencing great financial resources and you go on to waste without preparing for possible unexpected twists. Good jobs can end. Profitable businesses can hit hard times. The unexpected can happen to your spouse or to you, and this can knock your income. As a faith filled person, you have nothing to lose by over preparing for the future. Preparation for uncertain times seems to be consistent with Ecclesiastes 11v2 (NIV), which says, “Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.” The uncertain days seem to be similar to the evil day referred to in Ephesians 6v13. Though the context is spiritual but it could be financial too. There are some unforeseeable events in this life which, as Christians, we must not hesitate to prepare for; not being fearful but being mindful, just like Abraham, who had 300 trained soldiers just-in-case
There are some spiritual vultures that always try to feast on your financial gains/income. Here or there, Satan has schemes to create leakages from your storehouse. You ought to be vigilant. Be spiritually discerning in entertaining some financial requests made to you. Not all are your godly responsibilities. Some people don’t need money they need financial counsel to set their finances in order for them never to lack. Some are needy just because they frequently despise their opportunities to earn an income this category also includes the lazy.
Be careful of people who want you to lend them some money. Psalm 37v21 The wicked borrows and does not repay…” Even in church such people are found. To really know a person lend him some money. Before lending out huge amounts of money, do your due diligence, research the credit repayment history of such a person. Have some written down contract with some terms which cover you in case of some financial mischief. Banks are not crazy for making you sign very long contracts before you get a loan. Discern when someone wants to borrow from you whether the borrowing is out of real need or is a result of financial indiscipline. If it is out of financial indiscipline, you are most likely not going to get a repayment. Even God will be wandering if you are capable of sponsoring to the end such financial irresponsibility, which creates lack.
Some people struggle financially because the money they want has no other Kingdom or good human cause to have it. As such, God only gives one talent for survival. Their focus is too selfish to make any reasonable demand for divine intervention in their financial endeavours. God feels only obligated to stop such souls from starving and nothing much more. As a wise saint, have some genuine sound cause(s) why God has to favor you with uncommon opportunities to make money.
It is normal to always have many needs competing for your financial attention. Your money is finite, and your needs are always infinite. To overcome that have some financial priorities. Have a percentage for Kingdom issues, a percentage for your biggest long-term financial goal, for example, building a house, then letting the rest be catered for by the remaining funds. For example, 15% for Kingdom sponsoring, 25% big long-term financial goal (eg, house building but not car purchase), the remaining 60% the other living expenses, transport, groceries, etc. Start with the first two, and you will see your financial management becoming easier and more progressive.