One of the reasons why many young people today are struggling financially and getting more poor every day is that they carry entitlement yet they don’t want to work. They have resorted to gambling, hustling, sleeping all day, having many excuses to do something and actually ending up in fraud activities.
GET UP AND FIND SOMETHING TO DO AND DO IT SO WELL! Finding something to do is not enough but doing it so well is the big deal. Diligence is what makes kings come to the brightness of your raising! Don’t abuse the abilities within that you recieved by failing to do something yet the Grace is sufficient for you to create a change.
Determine to change your life, leave a legacy, and do something to fund the Kingdom of God. If you have not yet got a job, find somewhere and volunteer! Purpose to join any Professional Associations, career groups and platforms. But all in all, GET SOMETHING TO DO!
There is no work, device, knowledge or wisdom in the place of the dead. What confirms and establishes whatever you do is the beauty, delightfulness and favor of the Lord. Do something but do it beautifully! Do it delightfully! And do it knowing that you are favored! When you do this, God shall open up the treasures of heaven and multiply you. When you learn to work, you shall lend to many Nations, but you shall not borrow.
It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday