” Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.”
1 Cor 1:10-11
The church is the perfect reflection of a marriage. Many Christian relationships and marriages fail primarily because there are not many good preachers who take time to teach on such subjects of relationships. What is not preached can not be believed, and therefore manifested. Much of the teaching people have in marriage is based on ignorance and is circular information. For example, a successful marriage is defined not only by how long people stay married. A marriage is only a success if it fulfils God’s plan; this is why both the man and the woman have to understand their roles according to the word of God. You also can’t have a successful marriage where there is no peace. Our opening scripture reveals God’s mind on how we are to relate with each other peacefully.
Firstly ,the Apostle makes the appeal in the name of the LORD JESUS, which means you are both to submit to the authority of Jesus Christ. Secondly, he says , that you speak the same things, you can’t have a situation where the husband says something, and the wife says something, that is confusion in the camp. The third thing is that there be no divisions among you, it is your responsibility to ensure there is nothing that divides you. You should not allow anyone or anything to divide you. Then he says, be perfectly joined together, in the same mind and same judgement. Contentions start when people are not joined together in the same mind and judgment. You are to be people who interpret life the same way. You are to be of the same mentality. If one thinks of success and the other one thinks of failure, it’s not going to be a perfect union. This is why you have to feed on the same teaching. That, however, does not mean the people who don’t do this will divorce, but a successful marriage is not just one that doesn’t end up in divorce.
Reading the above , you will notice that some churches will recommend that you marry someone of the same ministry with you, someone who believes what you believe, someone who submits to the same faith and doctrine with you, someone who talks the same language with you. It is, however, not enough to do. Only the things we have shared in this article, there is more.