No relationship is ever a waste of your time. If it didn’t bring you what you want, it taught you what you didn’t want. Everyone you meet has a part to play in the story of your journey in life and while some may take a chapter, others a paragragh, and most will be no more than scribbled notes in the margins.
Some people come into your life as blessings; some others as lessons. You learn something from everyone who passes through your life; some lessons are painful and some are useful but they are all priceless and for a purpose. For everything has been designed to work for your good.
Appreciate everyone that has passed through and will pass through; they are a part of the ultimate plan. Lessons learnt must not be forgotten and would be needed as you don’t fully prepare for an exam only during the exam, you prepare for an exam before the exam.
Make up your mind to be grateful to God. Don’t allow people or circumstances change your mind. Keep it set on being thankful. It’s not what happens to you or what you have or don’t have that is important; it’s how your mind is arranged and the choices you make. Know what to ignore and express your joy.
Be thankful for what you have. Your life is someone else’s prayer point and miracle. Someone somewhere is grateful for half of what you have.
It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday