To provide academic and professional leadership and knowledge to Senior Lecturers, Lecturers, Assistant Lecturers and students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels; and to promote knowledge of his/her subject through original work.
To prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate students
To conduct research and disseminate research findings.
To promote knowledge of his/her subject through original work.
To guide and supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students doing research.
To organize and conduct seminars.
To set tests and examinations, moderate examinations questions, Mark scripts, enter the results in the system, submit marked scripts to the department and attend to examiners and Board meetings.
To guide and advise students on their performance.
Writes competitive fundable research grants.
Provides academic leadership and guidance in the department.
Participates in curriculum development and review.
Mentors junior staff
Academic leadership and guidance provided.
Research studies identified, conducted and supervised.
Lectures prepared and delivered.
Seminars and tutorials conducted.
Tests and examinations set and scripts marked and graded.
Junior staff mentored.
The number of research grants and the dollar amount of research grant won.
Must have a PhD in Development Studies or Development Management.
Should have Master’s degree in Development Studies or Development Management.
Should have Bachelor Degree in in the field of either Social Sciences or Humanities.
Should have at least eight (8) years of teaching and/or research experience, three of which should have been at level of Senior Lecturer or Senior Scientist in a reputable institution.
Should have published at least Eight (8) articles in peer reviewed journals, or book chapters or book with ISBN Number in the area of specialization after being promoted to the position of a Senior Lecturer. Each Publication should appear in an indexed journal and the indexing house should be
Three journal articles or book chapters shall be vetted.
Should have supervised three (3) graduate students to completion.
Should have contributed to community service.
The applicant should be below the age of 55 years at the time of