Your first mission of Yellow will be to optimise the performance of our merchant network
To create a thriving and dynamic retailer network that is fully equipped, motivated, and
engaged to drive the growth of the smartphone finance company, ultimately leading to
increased sales, enhanced customer satisfaction, and a stronger market presence.
We’re seeking self-starters with a passion for running their own business, strong
communication skills, and a love for technology. This is a full-time role and you will be
expected to work retail hours, 5 days a week.
Are you?
● Long-term oriented
● Performance based
● Great Communicator
● People-centric
● Happy to work with technology
● Happy to work remotely
Hard requirements:
● Very comfortable communicating (Speaking, Reading, Writing) in English
● If applying for Rwanda, must be able to speak and write Kinyarwanda, French an advantage
● Able to communicate effectively upwards to Senior Management
● Have strong leadership skills
● A go-getter, not shy at starting a conversation with merchants and customers
● Access to an Android smartphone and laptop
● Full-Time Role
Remuneration and benefits:
● Base Salary of $200
● Performance based salary ($0- $800)
● Based on great performance, one can expect to earn between $500- $1000 per month
● No other benefits are included
● A rare opportunity to make an impact in the world by working with a world class startup