“For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:”
2 Peter 1:8-10
There are THINGS that make one great, and there are THINGS that make one fail. Our opening scripture talks about things that make you not to fail, and it says if you lack these things, you fail.There are things that can make you a victor 24/7 and can make your life glorious. The question is, WHAT ARE THESE THINGS? You will have to read the preceding verses to know THESE THINGS. If you study your bible, you will come to understand why some folks succeed and why some fail. God is not mysterious.
One time, I asked some folks, “What is the vision of your ministry?” They said to me, “No, we don’t have any.” I told them that the ministry was gonna fail, and naturally, they debated what I said. I said to them, “IF THIS MINISTRY SUCCEEDS BY WHAT YOU ARE DOING THEN I AM A FALSE MINISTER.” The ministry had grown to over 500 members, but it went crushing within 7months like I told them it would. Now, that looks like I cursed them. No, I didn’t. Neither did I judge them, I just told them what the word of God says about a people who don’t have a vision. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” I didn’t need to hear an audible voice from heaven to know those guys were going to fail, I just looked at the word and the word says people who DO THOSE THINGS PERISH and the scriptures cannot be broken.
There are THINGS you are doing that possibly making you enjoy life, or there are THINGS you are doing, which are possibly the reasons for your frustration. There also may be THINGS YOU ARE NOT DOING, which may be the reason you are where you are. There are things every successful Tobbacco farmer does. One of them is HE PLANTS TOBACCO SEED and WATERS the seed. This is just one of the many THINGS a Tobbaco farmer does to have a great harvest. Any farmer who wants a great harvest but ignores the THINGS that produce a great harvest will harvest wishes only.
You really don’t need a prophet somewhere to tell you whether you gonna succeed or fail in life. YOU CAN TELL FROM THE WORD. If you are not doing the word of God, you simply are programming yourself for a life of defeat. God is not a respecter of persons, I am doing what Paul, Peter, and James did. It should never surprise you at all to hear that I have gathered 3 million SOULS for JESUS. I am doing THINGS that people who gather millions of souls do. Doing things that poor people do will forever keep you poor. Doing things that rich people do will make you rich. I can’t list to you all the things which you ought to do to make you great. All I can tell you is that doing the word will secure your future. I know my next 20 years apart from visions and prophecies I know by the word of God. MARK THESE THINGS THAT MARK ONE GREAT and begin to do them AND MARK ALSO THOSE THAT MAKE ONE FAIL and make up your mind never to do them. Your life is a reflection of things you did or didn’t do. If you don’t like where you are, change the things you are doing. Until your mind is changed, you may never change the way you do things, so RENEW your mind with the word first.
Get to do these things. Don’t walk the path of failures and expect to meet with success. Don’t walk like an ordinary man and expect to see the