
Inside Golden Insights: Feed The Picture

Inside Golden Insights: Feed The Picture

“Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.”
1 Tim 4:15

Have you ever had a great idea burning in your heart a certain day only to wake up the next day forgetting what the idea was all about or not being inspired as you were at first? Years ago, my pastor said, “When you sleep, keep writing materials close to you so that you write the ideas. God will minister to you as you sleep.” As simple as that sounds, it’s a biblical principle, Habbukuk 2:2 says, “Write the vision, make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” Before the vision can be imprinted on your heart, you have to take time to deposit it there CONSCIOUSLY. Folks wonder how I am inspired for Soul Winning for years, and the passion doesn’t burn out. I write almost every strong Godly idea or revelation on soul winning that I get. Those ideas have been packaged into one volume to make my first book SOUL WINNING DYNAMICS. The one that reads is the one that can run.

I not only write ideas, I read them daily. For example, I have read my book more than 100 times, and I tell you, I think it’s one of the finest materials ever penned on Soul Winning. Each time I study the material, I get fired up, and I find myself compelled to preach. Sometimes as I start reading I will be feeling so weak, well I don’t let my feelings rule my study time, so I keep studying until am pacing the floor, speaking in tongues , suddenly I begin to see visions and I begin to prophesy millions of Souls into the Kingdom of God. The more I surround myself with Godly materials, the more am motivated. I charge myself with materials.

People who only feed their minds on stupid movies, music, and foolish discussions can never at any time be labeled wise till they repent. The Bible says, “Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.” Your life will reflect what you know or what you don’t know. Until you are inspired, you can’t inspire anybody. You can’t inspire anybody for Jesus until you yourself are inspired. YOU CAN’T BE INSPIRED AND NOT BE INSPIRING. In simple terms, if you are not inspiring others for Jesus, you yourself are not inspired. Years ago, I wasn’t inspired by the gospel as I saw with others, I took conscious steps of listening to at least one audio message every day and praying specific hours. I listened again and again until the messages made a stamp in my heart. I designed times to study the word of God daily. Now, I put notes in my phone and notebook so when I wake up daily I see the next book I have to write, the next conference I will be hosting, the next project I have to work on and am always on fire that way. Take time every day to receive inspiration. If you are a businessman, for example, listen to those successful men and women in your field, and don’t be too proud to refuse to learn. Read relevant books, watch the lectures, and most importantly, study your bible and your personal notes. If you feed your vision, it will grow and attract everything that is consistent with it. Don’t forget your dream in the dust bin.

You said you want to achieve X, Y, Z, why is it you haven’t even achieved a tenth? You slept with the vision. Feed the vision until you can’t just stay doing nothing about it.


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